Transformative Travel Readiness Assessment for People Living with Chronic Pain Ticked Bucket List Transformative Travel Readiness Assessment for People Living with Chronic Pain Part 1: Prerequisite 1. How manageable is your chronic pain in daily life? Unmanageable Difficult to manage Sometimes manageable Mostly manageable Easily manageable 2. How confident are you in maintaining routines (medications, rest, pacing) while traveling? Not confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Quite confident Very confident 3. How equipped are you with tools and strategies to manage pain during travel? Not at all equipped Minimally equipped Moderately equipped Well-equipped Very well-equipped 4. How motivated are you to explore new destinations and experiences despite chronic pain? Not motivated Slightly motivated Somewhat motivated Quite motivated Very motivated Part 2: Impact and Aspirations 5. How do you expect travel to enhance your physical health and activity levels? Not at all Very little Somewhat Quite a bit Greatly 6. How do you expect travel to foster emotional healing, such as reduced stress or increased joy? Not at all Very little Somewhat Quite a bit Greatly 7. How do you expect travel to inspire a sense of adventure and purpose in your life? Not at all Very little Somewhat Quite a bit Greatly 8. How do you expect travel to contribute to meaningful relationships or social connections? Not at all Very little Somewhat Quite a bit Greatly Part 3: Empowerment and Support 9. How do you see travel helping you achieve long-term personal or professional goals? Not at all Very little Somewhat Quite a bit Greatly 10. How confident are you in advocating for your needs (e.g., accessibility) during travel? Not confident Slightly confident Somewhat confident Quite confident Very confident 11. How do you expect travel to improve self-independence and self-efficacy in daily life? Not at all Very little Somewhat Quite a bit Greatly 12. How likely are you to consult with a health specialist or virtual chronic pain expert to optimize your travel experience? Unlikely Somewhat Possibly Likely Very likely Submit Print